Five ways ProWay Custom Stockyards will improve your operation

Like a lot of agricultural equipment, professionally built, custom stockyards are in high demand. Primary producers are forever investigating ways to improve the bottom line and well-designed livestock handling infrastructure is one initiative that is becoming a key focus for sheep and cattle producers.

With drought breaking rains across much of the country in 2020, along with increased demand and favourable borrowing conditions, livestock markets remain strong with restockers and international markets keeping prices above average.

As a result of the demand and increased confidence in the industry, producers are looking to increase the efficiency and productivity of their operation, reducing the time it takes to perform husbandry operations to save time, money and ultimately get livestock processed and back on feed.

ProWay custom stockyards offer professional livestock businesses the best possible outcomes when handling stock in terms of safety, efficiency, and profitability long term buy offering turnkey solutions and professional installation in Australia and around the world.

If your business is considering updating or building new yards and contemplating the investment, we’ve highlighted some of the key considerations based on our experience and client feedback. The following article delves into a few important factors when it comes to investing in facilities which can yield long term return and improve your livestock operation.

If you’re already intrigued and want to get in contact, click here.

1 – Improved safety & working conditions for operators, contractors and livestock.

ProWay custom stockyards are tailored to your operational needs. During the design process, the top priority will vary based on your requirements, but in many cases it is increased safety, timeliness, and reliability. Rather than an out of a catalogue plan, ProWay’s design team work with all key stakeholders to improve the working conditions for operators, contractors and animal welfare. ProWay values client input throughout the design process and once operational, utilising feedback to continually improve our designs and to deliver superior products.

Features such as elevated walkways, access gates, remote air operated gates and integrating stock flow principals in permanent stock yards will improve workplace health and safety. Well designed and built infrastructure will allow less experienced staff to be inducted safely while dramatically reducing the stress on stock and the likelihood of bruising or injury in the yards.

2. Efficiency gains and timely completion of husbandry tasks.

ProWay custom stockyard designs seek to improve labour efficiency for you and your operation. By tailoring the design to your requirements, the operator will see reductions in labour units needed to perform husbandry operations and reduce the time to complete individual or repetitive tasks. An example of this could be designing around new sheep or cattle handling equipment or including a working race suited to varied size animals such as the adjustable sheep or cattle race.

Refined consistently over 20 years, ProWay custom stockyards have a unique focus on understanding flight zones, points of balance and the ‘follow the leader’ instinct of livestock. By incorporating strategic pen ratios and curved fencelines, stock flow is improved as animals move towards the race, crush or draft. Products such as the ProWay Pneumatic and Remote Cattle Handling equipment allows operators to process cattle at the press of a button.

3. Proudly Australian designed & made, built to last.

For a lot of stock handling products on the market, the materials and assembly can create more headaches than they solve and inevitably add time and costs long term. Panels moving or giving out under pressure leads to down time with maintenance, stock moving poorly and potential injury risk.

ProWay custom stockyards are manufactured with premium grade materials, which are fabricated at our headquarters in Wagga Wagga NSW, providing longevity for your operation as well as ensuring a rapid and simple installation on-site.

ProWay understands the significant investment of building new handling facilities and custom stock yards. Many of the ProWay design and sales team are directly affiliated with livestock production and understand the importance of quality infrastructure. As with any investment, buying quality will ensure longevity and ensure the benefits will last for generations to come.

4. Local Designers with over 20 years of servicing the livestock industry.

Custom stockyards take time to refine and ensure suitability for operational requirements. Measuring existing infrastructure and designing a unique solution can take increased effort to get right compared to buying a pallet of panels and gates. However, the result is a world apart. ProWay has been servicing the livestock industry for over 20 years and understands the importance of combining workplace efficiency with safety and reliability.

ProWay’s Design Team understand animal behavior and the end user, they work directly with industry bodies and have a vested interest in the betterment of livestock facilities on farm and on a commercial scale. Through continuous R&D and consistent communication with clients, product developments are made consistently. As a result, ProWay have built custom stockyards in every Australian state and all around the world.

Often, the best advice when designing new yards is to talk to others that have undertaken this process. In most cases ProWay can arrange site visits or consultations with other businesses allowing you to see the facilities up close and pick and choose elements which suit your needs.

5.Profitability improvements.

With the demand and market trends favouring established producers, long term profitability should always be factored into any scope of works. Whether you’re building custom sheep yards, permanent cattle yards, a roof over the facility or incorporating new handling equipment, ProWay’s Design Team will work directly with you to ensure that all the pieces come together to ensure the end result is one that will deliver long term savings and benefits.

On-site and satellite measurements of existing infrastructure helps the designers get a real understanding of your requirements and goals to plan well into the future. The resulting tailored design will factor in not only the proposed works, but include site preparation plans, vehicle access, new fenclines/laneways, truck turning circles, trees, roads, services, and future expansion.

The custom stockyard design process aims to improve your operational efficiency and safety with a high quality build to last generations, all of these factors inevitably lead to long term profitability gains.

Want to learn more? Have a listen to some of our clients here.

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Celebrating over 20 years of innovation – ProWay are committed to making the livestock industry more efficient, safe and profitable