
ProWay products are proudly designed and manufactured in
Australia, and installed all over the world.

The Value of ProWay

Why choose ProWay

ProWay Livestock Equipment have been in operation since 2000, and so have vast experience in delivering comprehensive solutions across the livestock industry. We have undertaken the design process for thousands of customers, including primary producers and commercial operations. You need to experience a ProWay system to comprehend the difference.

Once you analyse the product and what it offers, it can be seen that ProWay does deliver value for money, and stacks up as an investment in your livestock business.

The Value of ProWay

The Value of ProWay

Compare the materials and workmanship

At ProWay, our locally manufactured yards are able to offer:

  • Quality manufactured steel – steel will be the correct tensile strength. All rail material is a minimum 350 mPa, and post sections a minimum of 250 mPa.
  • Steel will be held at Australian standard section – A lot of imported material used locally, and steel used in imported product will look similar. However it will often be smaller in external dimension, and lighter in wall thickness.
  • Galvanised steel – all our ground engaging posts are coated with a minimum 600 grams/m2 zinc coating. All rail sections are a minimum of 200 grans/m2.
  • Steel will be used in the right places with suitable weld quality – A yard system is only as good as its weakest link. We are a tradesman-based manufacturer. Our welders can weld and we have and accumulated knowledge of where items will fail, and will build different parts with appropriate steel sizes to avoid fail.

The Value of ProWay

The Value of ProWay

Compare the functionality

  • Our yard layout will optimize stock flow. We don’t compromise layout to suit standard panel sizes. We alter panel sizes to optimise layout.
  • Our yard systems incorporate the little features which make big differences to functionality. Lift and turn draft stoppers, guillotine gates with counter-weights, safety release gates, strategic man-gates – they will all make a huge difference to your efficiency and comfort in working livestock.
  • Our design will maximise efficiency. Getting pen sizes right, gate function correct, man-gates in the right place and minimising operator travel paths can make huge differences in stock processing efficiency.
  • Our layouts and products will maximise operator and animal safety. We will separate operators and livestock where possible. Our product design considers eliminating features that will hurt people. Removing leg-breaking gaps, correct rail spacing, and strip sheeting in strategic places can all prevent animal injury. Optimising stock flow reduces animal injury.
  • Our designs will accommodate the use of technology as it evolves. The livestock industry is on the cusp of a revolution in technology which will affect everyday management.

The Value of ProWay

The Value of ProWay

Compare the whole of life costs

The starting point for the design of all ProWay products is will it need to be maintained? All our products are designed to have a zero maintenance requirement. You should not need to repair our products within their economic life. The most taxing task may be to lubricate a catch or rotary force ring.

Compare the effect on your business

Staff, agents, contractors and vets all appreciate the benefit of working in a well-designed, well-built facility. It marks the professionalism of your business. You will appreciate the safety, efficiency ease and effectiveness of stock processing in a ProWay facility. These benefits continue for decades.

The Value of ProWay

The Value of ProWay

Product Enquiry

Celebrating over 20 years of innovation – ProWay are committed to making the livestock industry more efficient, safe and profitable