Gable Structure

Gable Structure

Standards in the community are continually evolving. This is reflected in the new national work health and safety codes of practice. The expectations on employers to provide a high standard working environment are ever increasing.
To meet this expectation ProWay have engineered a new range of roof-over sheds, suitable for covering your stockyards.
We have a large range of standard sizes available, from weatherproofing your Crush to protecting your working area or entire yards.
Features of these structures are

  • Leading edge design to give economical pricing. Savings are achieved by use of our 3-D drafting capability to minimize fabrication time, and therefore cost.
  • Standard engineering is suitable for most areas in Australia.
  • ProWay have not compromised their attitude to quality with this range of sheds.
  • Sheds are all galvanized steelwork.
  • Columns are galvanized CHS (pipe)-giving livestock and person-friendly surfaces in the yards.
  • Shed design means untidy wall cross bracing and knee bracing are not required. This improves access all around the shed.

ProWay can design your shed to fit over new or existing yards. Sheds can also be tailored to suit sloping sites, reducing the need for expensive earthworks.
A roof over your yards can:

  • Keep you out of the sun.
  • Keep you out of the rain.
  • Keep your yards dry underfoot.

Bring your livestock operation up to today’s benchmarks. (People stopped driving tractors without roofs 40 years ago).

Product Enquiry

Celebrating over 20 years of innovation – ProWay are committed to making the livestock industry more efficient, safe and profitable