Ram Breeder

ProWay Sheep Handling Products & Sheep Rail Options are proudly designed
and manufactured in the USA and Australia and installed all over the world.

Ram Breeder

  • The ram breeder rail range is our heavy-duty solution for producers running high volumes of rams, goats or larger sheep breeds.
  • Panels and gates are made up of five 53mm x 35mm oval rails, with a 32NB top rail to minimize larger stock escaping.
  • The complete assembly is non-bruise and provides a good visual barrier.
  • Rails are spaced with optimum air gaps suitable for holding small lambs through to adult sheep and rams.
  • Posts are fully galvanized 50NB pipe and where swinging gates are longer than 2.5m, 80NB posts are used for strength.

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Celebrating over 20 years of innovation – ProWay are committed to making the livestock industry more efficient, safe and profitable